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target practice- step 2

Now time to target the areas of weakness/ tightness that are holding me back...

  1. Breathing- I am a breath holder and suck my upper tummy in all day. Need to work on my breathing pattern to allow my pelvic floor and diaphragm to work together.

  2. Pelvic floor endurance. I need to build the length of time I can lift AND hold my Pelvic floor- its probably 3-4 seconds MAX currently🙈 . Will aim for 3 x day practice. Will build lower abdominals with gentle core and restore level 1 exercises (mummyMOT®).

  3. BUM. My gluts have disappeared. I need to build tone in my gluts with controlled bridging and deep squats.

This is where I'm going to start and grade up as I go.

In other news. Couldn't even run for 10 seconds in the forest yesterday to chase my daughter without totally losing it down there... must remember why I am doing all this.

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